Marina at sunset

Full replacement cost

If you carry comprehensive and collision coverage, the boat insurance can help cover the cost to return your watercraft to its pre-accident condition or better

Bodily injury & property damage liability (BI/PD)

Bodily injury liability covers you if you are in a boat accident and liable for injuring others. Liability boat insurance also pays to repair or replace any watercraft, object or other property you damage while boating, plus legal expenses if you are sued.

Fuel spill coverage-

Fuel spills, are cover no matter how the spill happened: sunken boat, leaking tank, or a mishap at the fueling station.

Wreckage removal

If your boat sinks, the boat insurance will cover the cost of removing your boat from the water (if removal is legally required).

Roadside assistance

This coverage if elected will pay to tow your disabled vehicle to the nearest repair shop.

Water sports coverage

Water sports coverage pays for any injuries or damages you caused from tubing, knee boarding, wake boarding, wake surfing or other similar activities. Parasailing, kite boarding or other activities in which someone is pulled through the air will not be covered.

Optional boat insurance coverages

Total loss replacement

Sign & Glide® on-water towing

Fishing equipment or carry-on items

Propulsion Plus® mechanical breakdown coverage

Comprehensive & collision

Uninsured/underinsured boater (UB/UIB)

Medical payments

Trailer trip interruption

Do you need to have access to your account 24/7?

For your convenience we now offer CSR24 – CSR24 is a 24/7 Online Access to Your Account.

CSR24 offers you secure access to your insurance information online 24/7 from a computer or mobile device. These services are available to you at no additional cost.

This new program provides you a variety of added services, including:

  • View and reprint automobile ID cards
  • View critical policy information
  • Request policy changes online
  • Access your agent’s direct contact information
  • Review and download account documents
  • Obtain a certificate of insurance (commercial accounts only)
  • Maintain and manage an up-to-date list of certificate holders (commercial accounts only)
  • Report claims online with the option to upload pictures and related claims documentation
  • Receive documented confirmation of all activity conducted online

Access the information and service you need, when you need it, no matter where you are.

Sign-up for CSR24 online now.