Cockpit of flying plane

Aviation insurance is completely different from any other insurance, but insuring your aircraft is something that we can help you with at Coastal Insurance Group, Inc.

Aircraft insurance has different types of coverage:

  • Public liability insurance- This liability insurance is a third party insurance that covers aircraft owners for damages caused to a third party property. For example, airport facilities and other aircraft struck, houses, cars, crops, caused do to a collision. This coverage does not provide coverage to damage to coverage for passengers injured on the insured aircraft.
  • Passenger liability insurance-coverage for the passengers riding in the aircraft for injuries or death.
  • Combined Single Limit (CSL)-CSL coverage combines passenger liability coverage and public liability and into a bundle with a single overall limit per accident.
  • Ground risk hull insurance -This coverage provides insurance to the insured’s aircraft against damage when the aircraft is not in motion but on the ground.
  • Ground risk hull insurance in motion (taxiing)- this coverage can help protect the aircraft while the aircraft is taxiing, but it will not cover the aircraft while taking off or landing
  • In-flight insurance- This coverage can help protect an insured aircraft against damage during all phases of flight and ground operation, including while stored or parked.

Private Aircraft Insurance -

Do you need to have access to your account 24/7?

For your convenience we now offer CSR24 – CSR24 is a 24/7 Online Access to Your Account.

CSR24 offers you secure access to your insurance information online 24/7 from a computer or mobile device. These services are available to you at no additional cost.

This new program provides you a variety of added services, including:

  • View and reprint automobile ID cards
  • View critical policy information
  • Request policy changes online
  • Access your agent’s direct contact information
  • Review and download account documents
  • Obtain a certificate of insurance (commercial accounts only)
  • Maintain and manage an up-to-date list of certificate holders (commercial accounts only)
  • Report claims online with the option to upload pictures and related claims documentation
  • Receive documented confirmation of all activity conducted online

Access the information and service you need, when you need it, no matter where you are.

Sign-up for CSR24 online now.